All technologies – safe, useful in cosgyn & innovative, are taught at ICCG Courses

All technologies – safe, useful in CosGyn & innovative, are taught at ICCG Courses. Let it be Non-ablative, safe & effective Eb-YAG Smooth Lasers, the only safe & effective Co2 laser which doesn’t cause fibrosis (only Deka Pulse is the safe pulse for intra-vaginal use found in Monalisa Touch: All other Co2 lasers can cause fibrosis in vagina), Diode Lasers which are safe & affordable; Functional EMS & HIFEM machines including StarFormer & EmSella; Radio-frequency: Mono-polar, Bipolar & Fusion Devices; Vaginal Radiofrequency Micro-needling (RFMN), Vaginal EMS are few of the latest cutting edge technologies which ICCG Grads are exposed to, and given hands-on experience. Anything which isn’t taught at ICCG training programs is either unsafe to use in vagina or is ineffective or is obsolete, which has no usage left in clinical practice of Cosmetic Gynaecology.

Affordable healthcare is essential pre-requisite of sustainable healthcare delivery. ICCG Grads are taught all pros & cons of various devices, along with sustainability & affordability issues dealt in details as per Indian Scenario. Indian problems have Indian solutions. Only someone who knows the Indian Healthcare issues deeply & across the different parts of India can actually deal with these issues realistically.

At ICCG, our lead faculty Professor Navneet Magon by the virtue of his background of being a Gynaecologist with Indian Armed Forces Medical Services where he got an opportunity to serve across the country – East, West, South, North & North-East of India, and treat women from across the 28 Indian States & 8 Union Territories, and now running Elle Sante Centres across 9 different Indian States, brings in this vast & unparalleled experience & knowledge. Added to this, his experience of being trained & imparting teaching & training in 5 different continents across more than two dozen nations across the world adds the global experience & knowledge & makes Professor Dr Navneet Magon a bundle of unparalleled skill, knowledge & experience which has no match globally.

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Indian College of Cosmetic Gynaecology

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