Tag: ICCG Grad

Reviews about ICCG Diploma in Cosmetic Gynaecology

Hear out Dr Anjali Chaudhary from New Delhi when she showers praises on every aspect of the ICCG Training and Professor Navneet Magon, her mentor.

ICCG grads all set to practice Cosmetic Gynecology in Ludhiana, Punjab

Listen to the proud ICCG Grad, Dr Shefali Sood from Ludhiana in Punjab, who says that she is happy & fully satisfied from the ICCG Diploma Course. When you listen to her, you will get to know the reasons why she recommends that anyone who really wants to know & practice Cosmetic Gynaecology must attend the ICCG training program and get trained with the best in the field, Professor Navneet Magon only. She gets into in-depth reasons that how this course had prepared her to start her practice of Cosmetic Gynaecology.

ICCG makes India a Global Destination for Best Training in Cosmetic Gynaecology

ICCG is always ahead of others in everything, making India the global destination for best teaching & training into Cosmetic Gynaecology.

For the first time globally in any structured teaching & training program in Cosmetic Gynaecology, the trainees were exposed only at ICCG trainings to revolutionary new technology. An FDA cleared technology designed to provide intra-vaginal Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS); Sub-epithelial fractional vaginal bipolar radio-frequency micro-needling and a minimally invasive procedure for hemostasis and coagulation designed to reduce the risk of thermal injury during remodelling the soft tissue matrix, were three new technologies introduced for the very first time at ICCG training in any CosGyn training program anywhere in the world, and the ICCG Grads are the first in the world to get a complete hands-on experience on this new technology.

Our Dean, Professor Navneet Magon has always believed that a doctor must know how his/her patient would feel so as to treat patients in a better manner. He brings this concept from his training in the Indian Air Force, where every Medical Officer is made to experience the ‘G’ Force so that the doctor understands how a pilot would feel and can appreciate that stress. Therefore, each & every ICCG Grad is made to have a first hand experience of the holding the FDA cleared intravaginal electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) V-Tone probe in hand, to appreciate how it feels, so that they can thereafter tell their patients what to expect from the treatment, and not give patients any unexpected surprises.

This is one of the many reasons why ICCG Grads are the best trained Cosmetic Gynaecologists anywhere in the world, because it takes a great teacher to make great students. When a teacher thinks so minutely of even training his students to prepare them to help patients understand the expectations of a treatment, it helps the students of such a teacher become most loved doctors to their patients. Needless to say, trainees were given first hand experience & exposure to all other available technologies including the monopolar RF, bipolar & multipolar RF, Non-ablative Eb-YAG laser, Non-ablative Diode laser, HIFEM, FMS, Various Fusion devices and many others. Elle Sante Centres, which are the approved training centres for ICCG are the best equipped Cosmetic Gynaecology Centres anywhere in the world with all the technologies under one roof.

All technologies – safe, useful in cosgyn & innovative, are taught at ICCG Courses

All technologies – safe, useful in CosGyn & innovative, are taught at ICCG Courses. Let it be Non-ablative, safe & effective Eb-YAG Smooth Lasers, the only safe & effective Co2 laser which doesn’t cause fibrosis (only Deka Pulse is the safe pulse for intra-vaginal use found in Monalisa Touch: All other Co2 lasers can cause fibrosis in vagina), Diode Lasers which are safe & affordable; Functional EMS & HIFEM machines including StarFormer & EmSella; Radio-frequency: Mono-polar, Bipolar & Fusion Devices; Vaginal Radiofrequency Micro-needling (RFMN), Vaginal EMS are few of the latest cutting edge technologies which ICCG Grads are exposed to, and given hands-on experience. Anything which isn’t taught at ICCG training programs is either unsafe to use in vagina or is ineffective or is obsolete, which has no usage left in clinical practice of Cosmetic Gynaecology.

Affordable healthcare is essential pre-requisite of sustainable healthcare delivery. ICCG Grads are taught all pros & cons of various devices, along with sustainability & affordability issues dealt in details as per Indian Scenario. Indian problems have Indian solutions. Only someone who knows the Indian Healthcare issues deeply & across the different parts of India can actually deal with these issues realistically.

At ICCG, our lead faculty Professor Navneet Magon by the virtue of his background of being a Gynaecologist with Indian Armed Forces Medical Services where he got an opportunity to serve across the country – East, West, South, North & North-East of India, and treat women from across the 28 Indian States & 8 Union Territories, and now running Elle Sante Centres across 9 different Indian States, brings in this vast & unparalleled experience & knowledge. Added to this, his experience of being trained & imparting teaching & training in 5 different continents across more than two dozen nations across the world adds the global experience & knowledge & makes Professor Dr Navneet Magon a bundle of unparalleled skill, knowledge & experience which has no match globally.

Why ICCG Grads are the best trained Cosmetic Gynaecologists across the globe?

It is now established that ICCG Grads are the best trained Cosmetic Gynaecologists across the globe.

At times, people wonder what are the reasons which make ICCG grads the best? I am an ICCG Grad myself and want to share two reasons with you all today.

Obviously, the first & foremost reason for this is that they are trained by the world’s only university accredited teaching & training faculty in Cosmetic Gynaecology, Professor Navneet Magon.

Second, all ICCG grads are exposed to each & every cutting-edge technology, which is safe to use & which has any role in Cosmetic Gynaecology, even the slightest. Only those technologies are kept out, which are unsafe to use & ICCG Grads are taught in details the reasons for that.

ICCG training is based on two fundamental principles, first being “Primum non Nocere” meaning “First, do no harm” & second principle being “Practice of Non-deceptive Cosmetic Gynaecology”. Therefore, if anything isn’t visible being used in an ICCG training program, the only reason is that the safety of the same on vulvo-vaginal area is doubtful, and therefore, putting the principles mentioned above in practice, it is kept away to prevent any potential harm. That said, the ICCG grads are still taught about the same in details.

ICCG has been the first & the only training program in the world to expose its students with a complete hands-on experience on all types of Energy Based Devices which are safe: lasers including Eb-YAG Smooth & Diode; all types of radio-frequency: monopolar, bipolar & multipolar; Vaginal EMS, HIFEM & FMS & even Vaginal RF Micro-Needling which has never been taught in any structured CosGyn training program anywhere. As I earlier said, all technologies which are safe, effective & sustainable are used extensively in all ICCG programs. Before giving a hands-on, all trainees are first taught & demonstrated each & every technology in details. And thereafter, ICCG’s lead faculty & the world’s best Cosmetic Gynaecologist & the best teacher, best Gynaecologist, Dr Navneet Magon himself hand holds each & every candidate to train them to perform themselves. Many pictures which depict the same are shared on the official Facebook page of ICCG: https://www.facebook.com/COSGYN

This makes us all the world’s best trained Cosmetic Gynaecologists and we all are the PROUD ICCG GRADS

Diploma in Cosmetic Gynecology, Best Cosmetic Gynaecology Course, Master in Cosmetic Gynecology, Traning in Cosmetic Gynecology, Cosmetic Gynecology training

Learning at ICCG Courses

Cosmetic Gynecology learning at ICCG Courses continues at all times, not only inside the class-rooms, procedure rooms & operating rooms, but also discussions continue over the coffee times.

ICCG Grads get the nectar of knowledge at all times, because our lead faculty & trainer, Dr Navneet Magon is so very accessible, affable & amiable. This makes ICCG Grads feel absolutely comfortable & at ease at all times, which finally creates a very comfortable physical space conductive for learning, where ICCG Grads are able to understand what their teacher is saying, as well as socialise with their fellow Grads, allowing a free exchange of ideas, thoughts and skills among the teacher and learners to achieve the expected educational goals by considering the physical, psychological, social, and cultural needs of all the learners.
It is not without reasons, that Indian College of Cosmetic Gynaecology is today World’s No. 1 teaching & training institute for Cosmetic Gynaecology, and is producing the BEST TRAINED CosGyn Practitioners. All finer details required for conductive learning process have been given attention to, by the Board of ICCG & personally by our Dean, Professor Dr Navneet Magon.

Become an ICCG Grad to become the best trained Cosmetic Gynaecologist & claim your space on the high tables of Cosmetic Gynaecology.

Diploma in Cosmetic Gynecology, Best Cosmetic Gynaecology Course, Master in Cosmetic Gynecology, Traning in Cosmetic Gynecology, Cosmetic Gynecology training

Hands-on Cosmetic Gynaecology Training

ICCG Courses are the only training programs in Cosmetic Gynaecology, where each & every candidate is given complete hands-on training on latest cutting-edge technologies. ICCG courses are the first, & presently the only structured CosGyn training program anywhere in the world to train its grads on Vaginal Radio-frequency Micro-needling (RFMN), which is the latest path-breaking addition to the modalities which can be used for Vaginal Rejuvenation, Labial Majora Rejuvenation, in non-surgical management of Female Urinary Incontinence, in management of Vulval Lichen Sclerosis & many associated conditions. Of course, ICCG Grads are also exposed to all other state of the art technologies, which include all available kinds of lasers which can be safely used in Vulvo-Vaginal area, HIFEM & FMS technologies, all Vulvo-Vaginal radio-frequency devices, hands-on PRP preparation & the Vulvo-Vaginal Shots popularly called as KamaSutra Shot, O-Shot, V-Shot, F-Shot and much more.

ICCG Grads are also exposed to what is deceptive & harmful to practice, and things from which a Cosmetic Gynaecologist should stay away e.g. all those lasers which cause fibrosis in vagina, Shots like G-Shot which use HA Fillers which must not be injected in G-Spot area because of the risk of sudden deaths reported and many other devices being marketed where safety is a concern. Suffice to say, that anything which is not demonstrated at the ICCG Training is either unsafe to use, or is obsolete and has got no role to play in the safe & non-deceptive practice of Cosmetic Gynaecology, & each & every ICCG Grad is given in-depth knowledge on the reasons to be cautious from such things. Also, ICCG grads are given insight in the fact that Facial Aesthetics & Body Peeling is something which any Gynaecologist, who wants to practice Cosmetic Gynecology, must STAY AWAY from; because one, you start competing with beauty parlours & second, a bad facial aesthetic result can ruin your perfectly great Gynaecological practice also.

Cosmetic Gynaecology is a National Medical Commission approved subspecialty of Gynaecology unlike other Aesthetic Medicine or Cosmetic Surgery practices, where there has never been a D.M. or a M.Ch. program. Whereas, M.Ch. program in Cosmetic Gynaecology has been recognised by NMC since year 2020 and the credit goes to Professor Navneet Magon who was the Founder Head of Reconstructive & Cosmetic Gynaecology Division at AIIMS at the Rishikesh Campus & the Founder Program Director & Thesis Guide for M.Ch. Program in Cosmetic Gynaecology. Since Professor Dr Navneet Magon is now the Dean & Chief Trainer at ICCG, ICCG Grads are the only fortunate ones who are trained at the hands of the world’s first & presently the only university accredited teaching faculty of Cosmetic Gynaecology & with the same program which has been the part of the NMC approved M.Ch. curriculum, meaning that it is a scientifically & clinically robust training program.

Rest, the pictures shared on the official Facebook Page of ICCG (https://www.facebook.com/COSGYN) speak a million words. Check through the pictures how the teacher first demonstrates, then holds the hands to train each & every ICCG Grad & then gradually lets them take over independently.